How Long Do French Bulldogs Live? Average Lifespan & More
Alex Vicente • Updated on March 20, 2023
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As adorable and affectionate as they can be, French bulldogs come with a fair share of health problems.
If it’s not something wrong with their lifestyle that causes these issues, it’s going to be a genetic disease due to several factors including compressed facial bones, compressed tissues, as well as the size difference between their head and hips when born.
If you’re wondering “What’s the lifespan of a French Bulldog?”, “What age is the oldest French Bulldog?”, or “How can I help my French Bulldog live longer?”, then you’ve come to the right place.
The following guide will offer you answers to these questions and more, so keep reading to learn more about your Frenchie.
Table of Contents
What is the Lifespan of a French Bulldog?

Several factors can affect how long a French Bulldog lives, such as their genetic makeup, heritage, and lifestyle.
That being said, the average lifespan of a French Bulldog is between 10 to 12 years, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Compared to other small dog breeds, this is a somewhat moderate lifespan.
How Old Can French Bulldogs Get?

Although the average lifespan of a French Bulldog ranges between 10 to 12 years, it’s been recorded that some Frenchies have lived to be as old as 18 years.
While it’s best to not indulge in unrealistic expectations for how long your dog is going to stick around, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything you can to help them live longer and happier. Yes, there are ways you can increase your French Bulldog’s lifespan and we’ll cover them in a bit.
What is the Most Common Cause of Death in French Bulldogs?

According to the Institute of Canine Biology, the most common cause of death in French Bulldogs is cancer. Besides that, Frenchies are also highly prone to a range of health problems including:
- Brachycephalic Syndrome
- Hip Dysplasia
- Allergies related to food or surroundings
- Patellar Luxation
- Heat exhaustion
- Hemi Vertebrate
- Cleft Palate
- Eye infections
- Breathing difficulties
While these health problems may not be a direct cause of a French Bulldog’s death, they can lead to life-threatening complications.
How Can You Prolong the Lifespan of Your Frenchie?

While it’s true that French Bulldogs face a lot of health challenges during their time with us, there are ways you can implement to help extend their lifespan. Here are a few tips to make your pup’s stay with you as happy and as long as possible:
1. Choose a Reputable Breeder
Frenchie Bulldogs are a very popular breed. In fact, they’re the second most popular dog breed in the country after the Labrador Retriever.As such, there are lots of breeders out there for you to pick from. When deciding on a breeder, the most important thing is to make sure they’re reputable, responsible, and trustworthy with many references.Stay away from any suspicious business because. Sadly, Frenchie puppies sourced from shady breeders and puppy mills are likely to experience more health issues during their lives.
2. Create a Healthy Environment at Home

One of the worst things you can put a French Bulldog through is to keep them in a doghouse or an enclosure for 10 hours or more while you’re out working. You see, Frenchies are curious by nature, so they also need plenty of space to play around even if physical exercise isn’t really their intent.
As such, confining your dog in a cramped or dull room while you’re away can negatively affect their lifespan. This is why the majority of dog experts recommend designating a room for your new puppy, especially if you spend more than 2 to 3 hours out of the house at a time.
In addition to a comfy dog bed as well as enough water and food, fill the room with lots of toys to keep your Frenchie interested and engaged. Also, treat your French Bulldog like a child when it comes to safety, which means baby-proofing the room as best as you can.
Remember that Frenchies are huge chewers, so check that all the toys you provide are safe to chew and can endure bites from strong jaws.
3. Spend Plenty of Time with your Frenchie

It’s no secret that French Bulldogs are very affectionate animals. Showing them love and care can’t only boost their lifespan, but it’ll also make them super happy!
Do your best to spend a lot of time with your pup and try to schedule play sessions every day. Frenchies are companion dogs, they love to be around their owners and are even prone to separation anxiety if they’re left alone for too long.
4. Understand Common Health Issues
As we mentioned earlier, French Bulldogs come with their fair share of health problems that often also strike other flat-faced breeds. Being a Frenchie owner holds you responsible for understanding such issues as well as learning what and what not to do.
For example, labored breathing is a common issue in French Bulldogs. You should know how to react in case of an emergency because you’re often the difference between life and death for your pup.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Frenchies can’t swim, so you need to constantly keep an eye on your dog near water. Prevent water from getting over their head as the outcome can be extremely dangerous.
5. Pay Regular Visits to the Vet

Finally, make it a regular habit to take your Frenchie to the vet. This dog breed is prone to suffering from various health issues, so a visit to the vet every 3 months is no less than essential to ensure a long and happy life.
Wrap Up

To answer the core question, the average lifespan of a French Bulldog lies anywhere between 10 to 12 years.
However, this isn’t set in stone as several factors can affect how long a Frenchie lives such as their genetic makeup, heritage, and lifestyle. Also, there are ways to help make your dog’s life longer and happier.
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