French Bulldog Licking Paws: Reasons And How To Stop It
Alex Vicente • Updated on August 1, 2023
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- Not a substitute for professional veterinary help.
In the early 19th century, Toy Bulldogs made their journey from England to France, where they bred with the French Rat Terriers to produce a new breed; the French Bulldogs.
Frenchies soon became quite popular among the sophisticated Parisian community and soon traveled to the rest of the world. Today, French Bulldogs are the second most popular dogs in the US.
This funny dog gets along with everyone, including kids.
But if you have one, you’ve probably seen your little dog engaging in some aggressive paw licking, more than any other dog you’ve seen.
So, why do French Bulldogs lick their paws?
How can you fix this problem?
Keep on reading to find out.
Table of Contents
Why Do French Bulldogs Lick Their Paws?

Seeing your Frenchie liking its paws is quite normal.
Dogs lick their paws to clean them after playing as part of their self-grooming routine or because they’re bored.
And Frenchies have more folds on their little paws, so they’re likely to clean them more often.
But if your French Bulldog is licking its paws excessively, there might be something wrong.
Here are some reasons why your pup might be doing this.
Paw Injuries
If your French Bulldog suddenly starts licking one paw, there’s probably an injury, and it’s trying to lick it to relieve the pain.
Your dog might have walked on a salted sidewalk or stepped on a sharp object.
It might have also injured itself while playing.
First, you need to check the dog’s paw for a cut or a stuck object.
There might be a thorn, torn nail, cut, or burn that needs your immediate attention.
In some cases, you might see a lump on your Frenchie’s paw because it got stung by a bee.
In most cases, treating a superficial injury is possible at home with the help of first-aid treatments that your vet has recommended.
However, if you see an infection, then the vet’s intervention will be necessary.
Skin Allergies
Skin allergies and resulting dermatitis can be the reason why your Frenchie is constantly licking its paws.
Your dog might suffer from allergies for several reasons.
Bacterial infections, the chemicals used in your yard, and the detergents and cleaning products you use at home can all be the culprit behind your French Bulldog’s dermatitis.
Your dog might also be allergic to types of weed or grass in your outdoor area.
In addition to the excessive licking, you might notice that your dog is suffering from other annoying symptoms.
These include having swollen and red eyes or a runny nose.
Solving this problem might not be easy because you need to find the real reason behind it.
You can keep a bowl of water near the door, so your dog can wash its paws before getting into the house.
You can also change some of the cleaning products you use in the house and see if the allergy improves.
Yeast Infection
Yeast infection happens due to trapped moisture.
So, if your dog’s paws are sweaty because of the hot weather, or you don’t dry them well after taking a shower, your Frenchie will suffer from an annoying yeast infection.
An overweight dog will have more sweat trapped between the paws, especially if you don’t bathe it often.
The infection affects different areas in the body, so you might see it on the ears and belly.
The paws become itchy and smelly, and you will be able to see a yellow discharge in the ears.
Avoiding yeast infection is easy, as you should try to keep the skin clean and dry as much as possible.
Then, the vet will prescribe a topical cream, shampoo, or prescription pills to help your pooch get better.

Food Allergies
The vet will help you determine if your Frenchie is allergic to any type of food you offer.
But if you’ve recently introduced a new type of food and your dog started to lick its paw excessively, then you should be able to connect the dots.
Finding the actual ingredient that is causing the allergy can be a little challenging.
So, in addition to the tests that the vet will run, you can follow the elimination technique, eliminating one ingredient at a time until you determine what is causing the problem.
Fleas and mange can cause a lot of itchiness and discomfort, and your dog will start licking its paws to make itself feel better.
If your dog is infested with fleas, you should be able to see red bumps on the skin.
In a severe condition, the skin will become hairless, and you’ll see dry patches or scabs.
Mange is caused by mites that transfer to the dog after contact with another sick dog.
The first symptom is itching, but your dog will suffer from other symptoms like having a thick yellow crust, hair loss, and lymph node inflammation if the condition is left untreated.
Taking your dog to the vet is essential as he or she will prescribe the right medication to make it feel better.

If your dog suffers from arthritis or another joint problem, it might start to lick its paws.
Even if the pain is located somewhere else in the body, your Frenchie might lick its paws for some comfort.
You should examine the dog and see if there are any visible signs of injury.
If you can’t see any, then you need to take your dog to the vet for a thorough checkup.
Behavioral Problems
Separation anxiety and boredom might be the reason why your Frenchie is licking its paws.
Your dog might be tired of waiting for you to come home, or it feels that you’re not paying it enough attention.
These behavioral issues usually lead to several problems, including chewing on furniture items, excessive barking, or digging, in addition to licking the paws.
You can help your dog overcome these problems by taking it for more walks and devoting more time to playing.
Ensure that there are enough safe toys that will keep your Frenchie entertained when you’re not home.
How Can I Stop My French Bulldog From Licking its Paws?

Identifying the main reason why your Frenchie is licking its paws will help you come up with an adequate solution.
Meanwhile, you can do a few things to manage this problem.
- Pay attention to your dog’s grooming. Trimming the hair and cleaning it will help you see if there’s a cut, blister, or burn before it gets worse.
- Clean your dog’s paws after going out, and use peroxide-water solution to thoroughly clean them twice a week if it goes for regular walks.
- After taking a bath, dry the paws well.
- If your dog takes walks on harsh objects like gravel or rocks, invest in a pair of shoes for extra protection.
- Clean your dog regularly to remove parasites and treat them before the infection becomes more severe.
- Ask your vet if you could introduce an omega-3 supplement to your Frenchie’s diet. It has anti-inflammatory benefits and keeps the skin healthy.
- Spend more time interacting with your pooch and make sure that it has access to safe chew toys when you’re away.
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Wrap Up

It’s quite normal for dogs to lick and chew their paws, but if your Frenchie does this excessively, it can become a real concern.
Excessive licking happens due to several reasons, so you need to pay attention to your pooch’s behavior and treat the problem accordingly.